Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day Eight

Friday, May 22, 2009

Today I was able to sleep in...finally!! We spent the morning packing up and getting ready to check out of the hotel. We decided to only stay one night because we know we will be back to visit in the future. We checked out of the hotel, grabbed a bite to eat, and finished exploring the city. We started by going up into the Eiffel tower at the hotel Paris. From there we were able to see the whole strip and had a great view of the Bellagio fountains. We figured it would have been a better view at night when the strip is all lit up (FYI for our next visit). We went to see the lion exhibit at the MGM Grand. When we arrived, the lion was playing/chewing on a toy and his two handlers were hanging out in the enclosure with him. He was beautiful. There is a glass walkway through the enclosure so that people can get a better look. He was laying on top of the walkway when we went though. The most interesting thing to me was when he licked the glass...his tongue looked just like a house cat tongue (with the spines) just 10x larger. We continued to explore the strip until we had seen all of the major hotels/casinos. We then loaded up in the car, filled up with gas, and headed through more desert to Los Angeles! By the time we reached LA, I was so sick of the desert...definitely not a place for me to live!! One of the main goals we had for visiting LA was to see Whitney, my best friend from high school. And being the wonderful person that she is, she let us stay with her! When we got to her home in Santa Monica, I was surprised at how much of a temperature change there was. We left Las Vegas when it was about 90 degrees and Santa Monica was about 65 degrees. We went to dinner at Wahoo's (known for their fish tacos) where I had my first fish taco! It was really good. We then made our way to the Third Street promenade where there were street performers and many shops to go into. We stopped and had some gelato and visited/caught up for a while.
Miles traveled: 3548.2 miles

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