Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day Four

Monday, May 18, 2009:
Today wasn't extremely exciting considering we drove most of the day. We left San Antonio with the goal of leaving Texas today. When we entered Texas there were 880 miles before we left the state. The rolling hills of Texas turned into more distinct mountains and the abundant vegitation became sparce and a lot less green. We were entering the desert. There was a point at which Alan realized that we needed to get gas. We saw a sign, pulled off the interstate only to find out that the gas station was closed and abandoned. At that very moment...the gas light came on. My thoughts: we are out in the middle of nowhere and are out of gas!! (Freak-out mode began to rev up!!) The GPS found gas only 15 miles away (but 15 miles off of the interstate) and we were able to fill up without any problems. Thanks to the GPS, the potential crisis was everted!! As we got closer to El Paso, we were able to see the Rio Grande and the mountian range in Mexico. Alan wanted to take a closer look, but with me not having a valid passport, I had fears of accidentilly crossing the border and getting stuck in Mexico...not really my cup of tea! When we got to El Paso, we were within one mile of the Mexican border and could see the Mexican flag proudly flapping in the wind. Alan's two main goals for Texas was to have authentic TexMex and Texas BBQ. Since the TexMex request was fulfilled in San Antonio, we stopped for dinner at The State Line BBQ. It was delicious and well worth the cost! We continued into New Mexico where we were stopped by the Border Patrolwho asked a couple of questions about if we were US citizens and how many people we had in the car. They did not ask for any identification or search the car. Alan and I were worried that we made a wrong turn and ended up at the Mexican border. They assured us we were indeed in New Mexico and heading in the right direction. We stopped for the night in Albuquweque, NM. We will be heading for the Grand Canyon in the morning.
Miles Traveled: 2238.6 miles

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're creating lots of memories! Stay safe & have fun! Love you Mom & Steve
