Friday, May 29, 2009

Day Thirteen

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It was an early start this morning. Alan didn't go to sleep and I woke up at 3am. Alan was unable to get the shirts done since Kinko's did not have an ink jet printer. The laser printer melted the iron-on transfer sheets. We headed to "The Price is Right" location and got in line at 4am. The line stretched around the corner. At 6am, the crew started handing out Order of Arrival passes. This pass determined if you were going to get on the show or not. If we had gotten in like 45 minutes later than we did, we would not have made it on the show!! We had 2 hours to kill so we went to get breakfast. When we returned, the rodeo began. We were called to get into numerical order according to our Order of Arrival pass. We were given our name tag, along with our contestant number, and lots of paperwork. We had to fill out a card that told a story why we were there. After all of that was done...we waited. We had to wait for our interview with the producer. By watching the interviews of other possible contestants, Alan and I had our hunches as to who was going to get picked. When we had our interview, we knew that we were not going to get picked...oh well. We were then herded through security and another holding area. Around 12:30pm we were escorted into the studio. We were both amazed at how small the studio was. Due to security, we were not able to take any pictures once we entered the CBS lot. The taping was awesome! We were seated front and center. The hunches we had were correct. If you want to see what happened in the episode and to see us in the audience, you should tune into the Price is Right on CBS on June 15, 2009!! After the taping, Alan wanted to take a nap. We went to dinner with Whitney and Mark at Rush Street where I had the most amazing meal EVER!! It was delicious. After dinner, we said our goodbyes and hit the road toward San Francisco.

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